Preston – 18 months

Today is a beautiful day! It is 58 degrees here. The windows are open, I’m sitting in my newly decorated family room, and Preston is snoozing.


Every Wednesday after his nap we head to the Farmer’s Market at the Mall.  I buy fresh flowers for our dinner table (it’s a summer luxury :)) and then we head out to Prairie Moon Winery to pick up our weekly CSA share (Community Supported Agriculture). It’s our way of supporting local farmers and putting money back into our community. I cannot wait until Preston is old enough to help up pick out vegetables at the Farmers Market. I’ve already decided I’m going to give him $5 each week so he can budget and buy whatever he would like while we’re there!


…any who, back to the reason for the post…

Today, my baby is 18 months old!


He’s been up to so much lately & learning new things everyday.


He loves dirt.


{{and many other things: playing outside, swimming, picking tomatoes from the garden (that’s the only time he’ll eat them–freshly picked!), walking his dog, and bath time}}. But mainly, he loves dirt. Eating it, playing with it, throwing it, mixing it with water and smearing it. You name it! If it involves dirt, he loves it! haha! Oh yeah, he also loves sand. YUCK! I hate sand. But he loves it, so the sand will stay. 😉


One thing he does NOT like is diaper changes! And, now I know why! He is ready to potty train! Even though I’m not ready to start the stresses of potty training, Preston is. He is always coming up to me telling me when he is going potty in his diaper. So I just went with it. I’d sit him on the potty but usually he had already gone in his diaper by then. I’m just glad he knows when he’s going. Well, today of all days, he comes up to me and tells me he has to potty and then takes me to the big potty and grabs toilet paper (lol –monkey see, monkey do). I sit him up on the potty and he poops! Seriously, like 5 seconds after I sat him down. Now I know he is ready. Today when I was at Target I bought some pull-ups! I’m not ready to go straight to undies! Especially with how young he is, and I’m definitely tired of taking a diaper on and off. So, wish me luck as I enter into this whole potty training thing!


Everyday I am reminded of how big our boy is getting. He hasn’t used his highchair in a few months. He can feed himself with a spoon and a fork and can dip his veggies in hummus!! He is talking all the time. He can say a two word sentence: ‘all gone’. Everyday he is saying new words and copying what we say. He is a master at his puzzles!! I was reading that once they master the puzzle, have them do it upside down, he can do that now! He loves building with his legos and his hot wheels are a new favorite. He either has a car in each hand or his pig in one hand and his horse in another. I love watching his imaginative play; hearing him say ‘vroom’ with his cars as they drive across the coffee table and when he makes animal noises as he plays with his farm is so amazing!


I feel like I’m rambling. I’m just trying to get as much out as I can while Preston is still napping!! He is down to one nap a day. Usually it’s anywhere between 2-3 hours. It’s really nice because that means we have more daylight to go out and do things! He sleeps about 11 hours a night (give or take a half an hour).


We recently decorated Preston’s ‘big boy room’. I wanted to get the room all painted and decorated before I ever got pregnant again. I just remember moving when I was pregnant with Preston and I always felt so helpless. It was hard for me to decorate his nursery since I was SO pregnant. I figured I would get his big boy room all decorated and turn it into his toy room, until it was time to move in there. That way he would be familiar with it and love to go in there. It’s not completely finished, but I’ve got the hard parts done!


Preston does this really cute stance when you say ‘take your mark, get set, GO’. It’s pretty adorable!!! A picture doesn’t even do it justice! Who knows, maybe I will have to upgrade by blog do I can upload videos. Some day. 😛


Preston still puts his hand down my shirt, pretty much all the time. I’m not really sure why, but he loves it. I don’t even notice it anymore, but I can always feel people getting a little awkward that there is a hand down my shirt pretty much every time I hold him. Haha!!


He loves his Dada more than anything! It was actually a little heartbreaking, because last time Chad was gone for work (about 4 days) every morning when Preston would wake up he would say “Dada” and when i would come in his room, he would start crying and try to run away from me. Seriously, that’s a really sad story when I write it out. Poor little Preston just wanted his Dada. They are the best of buds!! {{dada wearing Punky’s hat. haha!)


Prestons second favorite Bestie is his Grandpa Bob. He squeals and runs to him every time he comes over! They have the best little bond.


Sweet corn is a favorite around here. Especially now that we live in Iowa again. Preston can’t even wait for the corn to be cooked before he starts gobbling it down.


But let’s be honest, not every moment is as perfect as it sounds!


Well, I better leave it at that!!! Bring on football season!


…until next time! xoxo ❤



2013 – The Year of Change

2013 has been the year of many, many changes.

There is so much we have to be thankful for and we count our blessings everyday.

Here are highlights from 2013 – our 27th year of life.


Chad was able to celebrate his Birthday in Texas with my sister. Luckily, he was on a business trip in the same town, so she was able to bake him a cake and have dinner with him!!



My nephew asked me to be his valentine {how could I say ‘no’?!}


Chad bought me a beautiful arrangement of flowers — for the first time EVER. Usually he buys me a plant since it’s more cost effective. 🙂


I sold my car, Starla (she was a tiny little Saturn). It was sad seeing her leave, but when I bought her, I was single and never realized I would end up marrying a giant guy that was 6’4 and adopting a cute puppy that weighs in at 75 pounds.


Our family came to visit us in Kansas to celebrate my Mom’s birthday and Easter weekend.



We were able to make it to our Nephews Baptism.

{cute little baptism outfit}


We made our first BIG purchase as a married couple — AND PAID CASH!


Her name is Ruby.


We were able to visit our dear friends in Arizona for an extended weekend and HAD A BLAST!! We miss them dearly.


We had another visit from family over Memorial Day weekend.


{We were on a family walk…} 🙂

It was the first time our sweet nephew had ventured all the way to Kansas. He even got a Pet Tornado as a souvenir.



We found out we were expecting our first child. This was The Big Surprise of the year and we are SO EXCITED!!



We made our annual trip to Denver over the 4th.


We decided it was time to move closer to home. Nothing is more important than family. We wanted our little baby to grow up around his Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, and Cousins.


My Hubby was offered a job within the same company, just closer to home 🙂


{when I grow up I want to be an Engineer just like my uncle}

Our boy, Bentley, turned 3!!


…and my baby bump got bigger!



We celebrated our one year anniversary!! ❤


We made a trip back to Iowa  for a two day house hunting trip to find our new home.

We made our second BIG purchase… as a married couple. 🙂


We traveled to Europe {Switzerland, Austria, & Germany} to celebrate our first year of marriage and many, many more to come!!


…and my baby bump got bigger!



We put our first home in Kansas on the market. It was bittersweet.


…and my baby bump got bigger!



I left my job as an Event Coordinator so I could start my new job as a Stay at home Mom (SAHM). Chad left his job as well. It was hard for both of us.

Chad started his new job in Iowa.

We closed on our new house on November 15th.


We had an offer come in on our house in Kansas and we accepted it!

We were able to help celebrate our nephew’s first birthday since we are SO CLOSE to family.


We were also able to celebrate Thanksgiving with both of our families…and we are very thankful that our families get along so well 🙂

IMG_3338         {awkward family photo.}


{Our first Thanksgiving with our Nephew}

…and my baby bump got bigger!



I was able to have a day of fun celebrating my birthday with my Mom and sister. This is something that hasn’t happened in over 10 years.


…and my baby bump got bigger!


**and now to the present, as I wanted to get this post finished before the craziness of the holidays began**

We will be hosting our first Christmas at our new home.


AND we will be able to celebrate with both families.


I hope 2013 was as good to you and your family as it was to us. We are looking forward to what 2014 has in store.

…and we already know one thing: BABY!

Handmade Dog Car Seat Cover

I recently purchased a new vehicle {named Ruby} and decided it was time to invested in a nice car seat cover to prolong the life of my new seats. However, after searching the internet for a nice seat cover, I couldn’t find anything less than about $85 dollars. Are you serious?! To me, that seemed a little ridiculous for something my cute hairy and sometimes cuddly dirty dog would make a home on during long car rides.

After much research I finally decided it was time to bust out my sewing machine and make one.

{Keep in mind, this was my FIRST EVER sewing project!}

**well, other than making barbie pillows with my mom when I was little**

Now, isn’t this the cutest dog car seat cover you’ve ever seen?!? 🙂

Handmade Dog Seat Cover

Here is a list of supplies you’ll need:

4 yards duck fabric {it’s nice and heavy duty} 2 yards for the top & 2 yards duck fabric for the bottom Make sure each of them is 54 inches in width.

Cotton Batting – I bought enough to fold it in half so there was double the padding

4 one inch plastic buckles

4 yards of one inch cotton strapping



and of course, a sewing machine!

First, I laid out 2 yards of the duck fabric on the carpet, placed the cotton batting on top of that {in order to cut it down to the right size}.


I made sure the leave about an inch around the edges…


Next, fold the edges of the Duck Fabric over about a 1/2 an inch – and then fold it over one more time and pin.


continue to go around the edges of the fabric keeping the ‘folding’ consistent.


Once you’ve got all of the edges pinned, it should look like this:


I made sure to mitre the corners {they’re not perfect but I didn’t think Bentley would mind} 🙂


Once you’re done pinning, you’re ready to start sewing! Finally, you want to have your sewing machine on a counter or a larger surface so you have somewhere to rest the blanket to make for an easy slide under the sewing machine.

THis is what the edges looked like when I was finished:


As you can see, my pup was already a huge fan:

Handmade Car Seat Cover by healthyhappyhearts

This was made to fit a small SUV.

Once the seat cover was finished, I took it out to my vehicle to pin on the straps. I used 1 yard of the cotton strapping for each buckle. Also, when you’re sewing on the straps make sure to run it under the sewing machine back and forth a few times for a sturdy hold.

Bentley couldn’t wait to test it out!!


This was so much fun to make and I think it turned out pretty darn cute, too 🙂