The fits.

Misbehaving Monday, let’s review the reasons my toddler has thrown a fit.

*he was crying because wanted to wear his bib so he brought it over to me, when I tried to put it on him he didn’t want to wear a bib. So I set the bib down. Repeat the aforementioned 10 more times.

*his train fell over while he was pushing it on the train tracks.

*he took his piggy bank off the night stand and set it on the floor, and then threw a fit because it was on the floor, but it was too heavy to lift back up and put it on the nightstand.

*he wanted socks on so I put socks on his feet, but he wanted mismatched socks.

My son has been two for 3 days and it took me 30 minutes to get his clothes changed today. Each layer was a struggle. What happened to my sweet boy?! 😬


…until next time! ❤

Preston – 2 years

Happy 2nd birthday to our little Punky! You are such a joy, little boy! You have always been so sPunky and full of life!! You randomly make silly faces and bust out in dance, just like Mama! You would rather have veggies and hummus with a side of liver for breakfast (rather than pancakes) just like Daddy! You love to wake us up in the mornings with eskimo kisses!! You’re so smart and always want to keep learning new things. We are SO proud of you!! 


Our little boy turned 2 on Friday! First thing that morning, within 5 minutes, Preston got 3 FaceTime calls from his Grammy Che, Auntie Anna, and Uncle Pooze! They all sang Happy Birthday to him and watched him shove his face with a chocolate covered twist donut with sprinkles!!! His first one ever, he was definitely a fan.


After breakfast we let him open his one big gift. It was a train table that I had gotten at Wal-Mart on Black Friday (note to self: never go to Wal-Mart on Black Friday again). The train table was only $30 and after joining the crazies, I had jumped over a pile of toys to snag the last one. I’m so glad it worked out because Preston LOVED IT!!! He has been playing with it so much.


After much play time, we decided to take Preston to the mall play place. It’s his favorite thing to do. He had so much fun!!! We were even there at 12:51pm – the time of his birth!!

Preston took a nice 2.5 hour long nap. During his nap his friend Joey stopped over to drop off a gift for him and the mailman delivered a package from his girlfriend, Penelope. He is just so lucky to have such sweet friends in his life at the age of 2!!!

We headed to Grandma Che and Grandpa Bob’s house around 3:30. We got there just in time to head to the Brewery for a drink before the birthday dinner festivities started.


This has become a slight joke/new tradition? Lol! (On Preston’s first Birthday we went to the grand opening of a new bar in town before dinner that evening. We figured he was 1 and he wasn’t going to remember it anyway! It’s pretty funny when we look back on it! He had a blast though, he was able to eat the complimentary popcorn they served! It was a win win!) 


Anyway, back to the present, we did our annual brewery stop, and then headed back to Grandma and Grandpa’s  for appetizers and Indian tacos!! We were happy Uncle Pooze didn’t have to work and was able to come with us to the brew.


We are so very thankful that his Grandpa Steve, Grandma Eileen, Uncle Scott, Auntie Holly, and cousin Noble were able to come, too!!


Spending time with family to celebrate birthdays is so important to us. We love the memories and the fun. Preston loves when he gets to hang out with family. He’s finally to the age where he knows and remembers the people he sees often enough. It’s so cute watching him get excited when you tell him his auntie Holly and Noble are coming over! Auntie Emma had to work long hours that day, but she was able to FaceTime with us for a bit. She even contemplated driving back right after her shift at the hospital to try and make it to the tail end of the party–but realizing that she wouldn’t get there until 10pm…it didn’t work out 😦 We love her for wanting to come so bad though!!


After dinner we opened some presents…


and then celebrated with some ice cream cake!!!


 Chad and I made the ice cream cake the night before, and I think it turned our really well!!! I was a little nervous, but it was delish.


Preston’s birthday dinner was such a success!! He had so much fun running around and playing with Noble.


My son, you are SO loved.


Now, wish us luck as we enter the two’s. It’s off to a rocky start. 😛


Preston is a little over 34 inches long and 29.6 lbs! He’s lost a little weight over the last few months. 😉 I’ll get exact stats on Thursday for his 2 year check-up. He knows how to identify every letter in the alphabet, he can count to 10, and can identify most primary colors. He knows a few shapes: circle, star, and square. His favorite color seems to be pink and his favorite number is 4! He LOVES to read!!! He has also been favoring his left hand when he colors and paints. (like mommy!) He can speak in sentences, I can understand him very well, others have a little harder of a time as he still has cute baby pronunciations! The other day when joey was here, I asked Joey if he wanted to eat because he was tapping the booster seat, Joey nodded his head yes, and preston said ‘i want to eat, too’. That was the longest and clearest sentence i’ve heard him say! Just within the last two days he’s started fighting nap time, but once he’s down, he will sleep for a good 2-3 hours. He has also been fighting bedtime, the later he stays up the worse it is, if you can believe it! We still put him down at 7pm every night. The more sleep he gets, the better he is for me during the day! I’m hoping this sleep fighting and regression is just a short stage, I’m getting tired. haha!


a little before {37 weeks}, during, and after — for the sentimental side of me 🙂


…until next time! xoxo ❤


Snow Day!!

We’ve been enjoying this #snowday so much! We made smoothies with breakfast and went outside to frolic in the snow!


We did a little shoveling and built a nice big fort!! #fortpunk


It’s pretty hard to see with all the white. but it’s there!


We tried building a snowman, but Bentley had the neighbor dog over to play, and they kept eating our snowballs. Pretty soon it just turned into a snowball fight. Punk and me against the dogs.


Preston is a little snow bunny!! He didn’t want to come inside!!


When we got back inside we ate lunch and baked some sweet potato chips for dessert. 😛


Preston is the best little sous chef!


Not only did he help me cook lunch and make dessert, he helped me make a little coconut oil & grapefruit lotion.


cute jars are compliments of Target $1 spot! woohoo!

It’s hard to believe yesterday was sunny and 35 degrees and today its a blizzard! This was us yesterday, soaking up all the vitamin D we could get:


That wraps up this snow day! Hopefully after nap time we can go out and finish that snowman we were trying to make earlier!

{{slight pause in the blog post as I hear Preston crying from his crib, I run upstairs and he has nail polish all over his hands and crib, at first I thought it was blood (whew, it wasn’t) …but it was everywhere! I’m thinking blood might have been easier to clean up….but I still prefer the nail polish over the blood. Now i’m wondering how he ended up in bed with a bottle of my (pink & red) nail polish…time to move it up a little higher…}}

…until next time! xoxo ❤
