The BIG Surprise.

The BIG Surprise:

June 21, 2013 was the day that  changed our lives forever. This was the day one of my best friends begged me to take a pregnancy test. Just to appease her, and to quite frankly get her off my back, I ran to Walgreen’s on my lunch break.

{It was a Friday and Chad and I had plans to head to Wichita for a mini vacay that evening. So, I figured I should probably take the test before we go, since I would most likely order a glass of wine with dinner that evening.}

I got home and quickly took the test. I didn’t even have to wait the suggested 3 minutes as the results showed up immediately. At first, I thought I was reading the results wrong, so I checked the boxed, and sure enough: I was pregnant. But just to be sure, I took two more pregnancy tests and they all came back positive! It was hard for me to wrap my brain around.

I had no idea how this had happened {well, I did…but I didn’t 😉 }

The phone call:

Shortly after taking all three tests, I decided it was time to call my husband. He was in meetings all day at work and that’s why he wasn’t     home for lunch. {and of course, I didn’t even suspect that I was pregnant–so he was just as surprised as I was!}

I called him twice and no answer. I knew he was probably busy or in the middle of a big meeting–but with news like this, I couldn’t wait. 

Finally, I sent Chad a text message asking him to call me ASAP. Still, there was no response. I didn’t know what else to do. So I took a cute little photo of my precious baby dog with a couple of the positive pregnancy test.

Bentley Boy

I sent it to his work cell phone.  I knew he couldn’t miss it on his work phone. Not even a minute later he called me. We were both so excited and shocked we were speechless. We discussed how accurate at home pregnancy tests could be. I had never taken one before! I didn’t know what the accuracy level was. So, we decided before we got our hopes up, I would go to the Doctor to get a blood test done. {That is how shocked we both were by this unplanned blessing.}

The Blood Test:

I got off the phone with Chad and immediately called my Doctor. I was able to get in to get my blood drawn within the next 30 minutes. The only bad part being: they send out their labs so we wouldn’t find out the results until Monday. Longest weekend ever!

{No, i didn’t have a glass of wine with dinner that evening.}

We went the whole weekend with this HUGE secret. We just wanted to shout it from the roof tops!!!

Monday morning at 10:00 a.m. I received a call from the Doctor’s office.

Sure enough, I was pregnant!