Romie’s birth story

Coming at you almost 6 months late–I’m finally ready to share Romie’s birth story!

Let me just start by saying I tried everything to get this labor rolling…and I mean everything!! I even mowed our lawn, on my due date, with our little push mower (no, it isn’t a self propel mower either. 😝) but alas, I still needed to be induced!

We headed to the hospital around 5am on the morning of July 10th. They got me set up in my room, connected me to the monitors, and the waiting began! I took a little nap and they came in to give me my first bit of pitocin at 7:30am–I was 3cm dilated at this point. Contractions started right away and were consistent at about 5 minutes apart.

( yes the time on the clock was wrong– let’s not get me started on everything that was wrong 😝)

My parents came at about 11 with our kids. They had fun visiting and were ready for some action! 😂 they had only planned to stay for about an hour and then get the boys home for naps so they’d be well rested after Romie was born.

My doctor came in at 11:30am and decided to break my water at this point. (In the past, breaking my water is always what finally gets things rolling!) My contractions started to pick up at this point and the nurse decided to order my epidural! We waiting for about 45 minutes for the anesthesiologist to get there.

Once the anesthesiologist got there he gave me my shot and I had the worst pain shooting down the entire left side of my body! Omg it hurt so bad!! I actually screamed so loud. I had never felt that before with any of my previous epidurals. (Scary right?) Well he readjusted it and everything seemed fine at this point. Although I hadn’t felt it kick in at this point, he assured me it would and by the time he left it was 12:30.

My contractions really started to pick up by 12:37pm. Like really bad! My epidural still hadn’t kicked in and I was in a lot of pain. Contractions were 2 minutes apart and everything was speeding up so fast! I was curled in a ball contracting like crazy!! I told chad to call the nurse back in so I could get my epidural adjusted since it still wasn’t working. She came in at 1:20pm and called the anesthesiologist. While we were waiting she decided to check me based on my level of pain. I was already 10cm! (No wonder why I was in so much pain 🤪) She cancelled the anesthesiologist and called my doctor to come in.

I was ready so ready to get this baby out of here!!! The doctor came in at 1:26pm. He got set up and I started pushing!! I pushed 5 times and little Romie came into this world at 1:32pm! It was fast, it was crazy, and it hurt like hell!

The first thing I said when I pushed his head out was ‘omg I felt that!’ And the doctor told me to push again and I pushed his body out and said ‘ouch! Felt that too!’ 😂

He handed Romie to me and he was just the most precious little thing!! He snuggled right up on my chest stared at me with his beautiful gray eyes!

I swear this is my most favorite moment (x4) in my entire life. The first time meeting each of my babies is just so special and unreal. Every time I am just so amazed at the miracle of babies and I’m so damn proud of my body for carrying and nurturing these little ones from conception and on.

We had the best time snuggling and loving on our new baby boy! We didn’t have a name in mind or picked out. We wanted to get to know the little guy and see what name for him best! We tried out a few names and nothing seemed to fit.

The nurses were really trying to get us to decide because they were going to discharge us in 24 hours. Shortly before we were discharged we came up with a name. After that I was having some serious regret and I frantically called the nurse back in to see if she had submitted the birth certificate to the state yet. She hadn’t. Thank goodness!! She gave us more time and told us we could go home and sleep on it and come back the next day to file the paperwork. (That is the worst part–why is it always such a rush to name your baby? Doesn’t anyone want to get to know their baby before committing to a name they’ll go by for the rest of their life??) 😅

Anyway, I digress…

It was such a crazy experience! It was fun (fun??) to experience every bit of labor. Especially for my fourth, and possibly last, baby!

We were so smitten with our little boy and he has been the best addition to our family. 💖

It was so nice to get home and back to our new routine!

…until next time! Xoxo ❤