16 weeks with Pip2!

I’m back!!Β 


it seems like i’ve been gone for far too long. I keep saying to myself, ‘i’ll do a post during nap time’ and then when nap time rolls around, i’m like, ‘sleep sounds nice’. So there ya have it. I’ve been napping on the job and enjoying every minute of it!

I’m 16 weeks pregnant with Pip2. It’s been a long 16 weeks with being sick, tired, and dehydrated. I mean seriously, I even carry a puke bucket in my car with me these days. Since it’s summer, and a hot one at that, i’m always hot and thirsty. If i drink too much water i get sick, but if i feel dehydrated i get sick. Every time i see a pool or a body of water, i just want to jump in!! Preston has been happy that i’ve been getting in the pool with him all the time. At the gym, i stare at the pool and just want to dive in!! I’m going to go get myself a swim cap so i can start lap swimming again. I think pip2 will enjoy it. I have been able to continue to work out with this babe! Yay!


I can’t tell you the number of times i’ve thrown up my prenatal vitamins. 😦 I even tried switching brands and it didn’t help. So lets just pray this baby is happy and healthy tucked away in my tummy.

okay, enough of the gross talk.

Β I have been having strong cravings with this pregnancy, too! Like, ‘I NEED IT NOW’ cravings!! My last craving was a steak, egg, and cheese breakfast sandwich with sautΓ©ed onions and spinach. I had to make a stop at the grocery store to make them for dinner!! This weekend i wanted a Kim Chi reuben with real corned beef and Kim Chi Kraut. But the Kim Chi bus hasn’t been at the farmers market once this year. 😦 I’m not even sure if i was spelling that right…but it’s amazing!!


Hubby and i did get around to making like 20 freezer meals over the 4th of July weekend! That’ll help out so much since i haven’t been able to cook much in the last few months. Loaded with good veggies for baby Pip2.


I’m really trying to enjoy as much of this summer with Preston as i can. This will be the last one of just us two!! The start of next summer we will have a 6 month old!


My little boy Preston is just a cute as ever. I know every Mom probably says this, so i guess it’s my right as a Mom to brag about my son. If i didn’t, who would?? lol


He is oh so smart and loves to learn!! He’s known how to identify the letters in the alphabet since he was 18 months old. He is very good a memorizing. He ‘reads’ every book along with me before nap time and bed time. He can count to 10 in English and Spanish and is currently learning to count to 10 in Japanese and German–only because my hubby and I know how. haha! He is so good at singing songs–his favorite is ‘The Itsy Bitsy Spider’. Probably because he LOVES bugs. Which he will kill for me if i ask, otherwise he will play with them. Today while we were in Express he found a bug on the ground and the lady working was so grossed out and Preston looked at her and just stomped on it like ‘i got this, don’t even worry’. It was so funny! He is Mr. Manners to, no more prompting from Mom most of the time! I even hear him playing with his cars and they will crash and he will say, ‘i’m sorry’ and ‘it’s okay’ or they will happily pass each other and he will Β say ‘thank you’ and ‘you’re welcome’. It melts my heart every time i hear it!!


He also practices writing his letters. Especially his initials. But the other week when i was cooking preston said, Mama, look, i drew an ‘h’ and an ‘i’!! He was so proud!! I was impressed he wasn’t even looking at anything to go off of.


Today when we were at TJ Maxx Preston found a Digger that he wanted. He asked me if we could buy it and i told him i didn’t have any money for the digger. He told me he had a penny in his pocket. I told him a penny wasn’t enough money to pay for the digger. He told me he had more money in his wallet at home. So i told him next time we go out, we could bring his wallet, and he could buy a toy. The thing that made me want to just buy it for him was that he didn’t get mad or throw a fit, he just put it back on the shelf and gave me these little puppy dog eyes. I just melted. but i stayed strong because i know it’s an important life lesson! I told my hubby that some day this week I’m going to take preston to the bank to exchange his piggy bank money for cash and let him buy a toy with it. I’m sure i’ll end up paying for over half of what he got but i think it’ll be a good lesson for him!!


I keep reminding myself that life will never be this easy again (come December). Having one child is such a joy and a blessing!!! It really gives you time to hang out and get to know your little mini. I can’t wait to add another little munchkin to our family, but I’m sure enjoying this single child thing while i can!


^^^ Preston’s first REAL camping trip! We stayed in a tent (or ‘fort’ as preston would call it). He loved every minute of it!! And the extra time he got to spend with family.

Anyway, I still have a couple more hours of nap time–so i think i might take a little snooze myself!

We will find out Pip2’s gender on August 12 (21 weeks). At my 15 week appt Pip2’s heart rate was 140 bpm. (Preston’s was usually in the 160’s) Any guesses on what I’m having???


…until next time! xoxo ❀

2 thoughts on “16 weeks with Pip2!

  1. Julie says:

    Adorable!! I was DEFINITELY extremely sick with my twin babies. It’s literally the worst feeling ever. I was so nice at my job and then people became afraid of me πŸ™Š.
    I was supposed to take extra vitamins since it was two babies but a lot of times I couldn’t even look at them and I didn’t take them. Gummy vitamins helped, for sure but anything else was a no 😁.

    We want to come see the Pips when you’re ready! 😍😍😍😍😍


  2. Julie says:

    Adorable!! I was DEFINITELY extremely sick with my twin babies. It’s literally the worst feeling ever. I was so nice at my job and then people became afraid of me once my morning sickness hit πŸ™Š.
    I was supposed to take extra vitamins since it was two babies but a lot of times I couldn’t even look at them and I didn’t take them. Gummy vitamins helped, for sure but anything else was a no 😁.

    We want to come see the Pips when you’re ready! 😍😍😍😍😍


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